Dreaming of a Setting Sun


Honestly, I don’t mind. I don’t mind that the sun has been rising for the past 21 years of my life, almost in the same position. I am actually quiet happy she does, because the world must go on and the plants do need their morning nutrition.
Now what I do mind, is that she has been rising for the past 21 years of my life, almost in the same place, now this sun that I use to love is shining right in my face.

But how could I honestly hate the sun? a glorious embodiment of Joy & Love. 7 times rise right? But is something wrong, if I want her to go back down for just 5 more mins?
Thank You sun for waking my mom, shining another day, I know you think your smiles are fun but could you please smile another way?
I went to bed late last night, missing most of my sleep, now I am feeling tired, I am feeling so weak plus you came when sleep was so sweet.

So thank you Sun for waking my mom to pull my sheet again, so could you pick a reversal trip, so we all can dream again.
Honestly, I don’t mind. I don’t mind that the dark clouds sometimes come and rain the sun away. But I wonder if the sun is hot and angry because the moon is so far away.
Honestly, I don’t Mind- do you?

My Name is Leonard Richards- Share with a friend and thanks for reading.
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